Quiz at Herston village hall, see under events/activities for details.
Plenty of produce for visitors to come and pick their own.
No chemicals of any kind are ever used in and on the garden.
As always, we only ask for donations for any of our produce.
All our flowers are grown from seed in the greenhouse, then planted out for visitors to cut their own.
The following 3 photos shows our Greengage stall attracting interested people who have got to know the diverse range of plants that we grow, in the many local locations we have been asked to attend.
June 2023
Some of the Greengage team preparing the hanging baskets and planters that Swanage Cottage Hospital ask us to do to enhance the hospital entrance and grounds.
We were also asked to provide hanging baskets and planters for St Marks school, which are now in place.
The Greengage stall at the League of Friends Garden Party. A lovely day was had by all, knowing that we were supporting such a worthy cause.
A nice thank you message from the hospital.
The following 4 photos shows the new herb bed being planted out.
The herbs were planted by 2 volunteers from Greengage Community Garden, with all plants raised from seed or cutting from the garden.
The herbs planted were:
Rosemary, Sage & Purple Sage, Chives, Thyme, Cinnamon, Basil, Coriander, Oregano, Marjoram, and varieties of mint including Apple, Variegated & Spearmint.
February 2023
The following photos show the area where the recent work party planted a new native hedge. The 100 plants are made up of: Field Maple, Hawthorn, Buckthorn, Sea Buckthorn, Privet, Blackthorn and Dog Rose.
The newly planted whips cannot easily be seen in the photo as they blend in with the mulch that was laid to give some heat to the soil and also to help depress weeds.
A close up of the newly planted whips, cut slightly back to promote growth.
A temporary chicken wire fence has now been erected to enclose the whole area of the new hedge. This will hopefully stop any roaming deer from nibbling the tips off the new hedge, especially when they start producing leaves.
Another view of the new temporary wire fence.
In time, all the various species of this new native hedge will grow into each other to provide a thick wildlife corridor for wildlife.
Along with the recently planted fruit trees that intersect the new hedge, these will also provide food and shelter to many insects and birds.
May 2022
This is Steve, a core volunteer checking on the batteries in the wildlife cam. The idea was to find out what species of bird visit the garden, so the data can be passed on to the RSPB.
June 2022
This is our new community food bank, situated just outside our front gate.
Derek, a core volunteer, has just finished making it, and the idea is that any surplus produce we grow, or owners of a nearby allotment, can leave their produce.
We have an arrangement with the Salvation Army in Swanage, who welcome our donation every week.
We all feel we want to do our 'bit' to help the community.
June 2022
Another view of the food bank, a few days after being put in place.
It's nice to see the local community doing what they can to help others.
August 2022
The vegetable beds are all doing well and the apple trees (far left) have produced a bumper crop this year.
Rob, a core volunteer, collects these apples and uses them in our own apple press to make fresh juice.
August 2022
A view from the other end of the vegetable beds. The plot in the foreground would have been in complete shade if the tall Pine trees were still in place.
September 2022
This is our newly created flower bed. The plants were planted from seed in the greenhouse by Penny, a core volunteer and others, earlier this year.
The idea is that visitors can come and cut their own, leaving a donation if they can.
This bed would have been in complete shade and un-usable if the Pine trees were still in place.
MARCH 2021
Andrew is one of our core volunteers doing an essential job of mowing the grass around the garden. Not that straight forward, as there are the raised beds and vegetable plots to encounter.
March 2021
The newly built work bench built by Derek a core volunteer, will provide an ideal place for any jobs that need to be done, but also the bench will be a great place for any craft workshops.
The shelves to the right will be for reference books on gardening.
The curved area at the front and to the left of the bench is to allow wheelchair uses to get up close to the bench top.
April 2021
Dawn, another volunteer doing the weekly job of removing of wild flowers (weeds), that seem to appear in just a week.
March 2021
This is a clever tool that's doing an all familiar job.
Ergonomic in shape, and designed to stop wrist strain, it is ideal to assist those who have difficulty using the more traditional straight hoe.
May 2021
Pauline. a core volunteer planting out wild flowers in the rest of the bed, which were grown from seed in the greenhouse.
May 2021
Some of the nest boxes have been in place since we arrived in late 2016, so are well established and used every year.
So over this time, we have installed different styles of nest boxes throughout the garden for the many various species that like to raise their families with us. The various habitats around the garden provide ideal sites for them to feel safe.
Katie, who was our leader from the Dorset Wildlife Trust. This, and the following 2 photos shows Katie planting a Gooseberry bush on her last day at Greengage.
She has re-located, and is enjoying her new job helping others in the community, which is what she does best.
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